What I Learned From Surrendering Into My Sensitivity

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Effable founder Molly Gould chats about why she's choosing to surrender to her sensitivity and be totally unapologetic about it.​

A couple of weeks ago, I declared that I thought I was ‘too sensitive for this shit’. This shit being business.


A series of unfortunate events tested me, stretched me, and made me more uncomfortable than I have ever felt. But, it turns out it’s a little something called growth, and hey, if the universe is planning a breakthrough for me, at least I can see the path that I needed to walk to get there.


So yes, I am sensitive, but I am choosing to surrender into it.


I’ve been told over the years that I am too loud, too emotional, too much, so too sensitive is just another to add to the list. But, the truth is, I am not too much of anything, and neither are you. So, if this resonates then this piece is for you, and, not as though you need one, but it is also your permission slip to do business exactly how you want to.


It has become the social norm that to succeed, we need to have a thick skin and to toughen up, to be hardy and able to withstand these gusts of wind that come our way. I get it, I do, but there is room for both, the duality of being soft and sensitive while being someone in business who knows what they want.


You can be both.

But, you don’t get told this, and working in spaces and places with strong masculine energies – think sales and media, fast-paced and ever-changing environments – leads you to believe that you have to hide those sensitivities, and become a version of yourself that is tougher, bolder, bigger, and sturdier.


I believed this for such a long time, ten years in fact, and it wasn’t until I got more curious about who I was and how I worked as a person that I realised that I could decide. There is so much power in that. And, the sad thing is that it takes so long to undo those thoughts and those feelings – shout out to two weeks ago and my business wobbles.


There is another thing I want to mention; about 18 months ago, someone told me about Human Design. A theory and a methodology rooted in astrology and the type of person we are and the traits that we hold. I started to learn more about it – I am a 5/1 Generator if you’re interested – and I began to write my own rules. Rules about how I operated, the processes in my business, how I interacted with clients, and the pace at which this all happens.


Setting up my own company gave me the autonomy I needed to work with my energy, my sensitivity, and use it to my advantage. I truly believe it is just that, an advantage.


My business is built around comms and copy, and developing this business has been a journey. Effable started as me freelancing alongside a job, getting clients and building up a portfolio outside of the worlds I had worked in. When I finally took the plunge to take it full time, it was exhilarating, but it was easy to fall into those hard- skinned habits.


It’s a work in progress, and it is something I have to make a conscious effort to change and choose every single day. Being sensitive allows me to connect with my clients on a deeper level, it means I get to feel into their brand and how they operate, and it means I get to choose. I choose who I work with based on energy and alignment. Instead of working with outdated agency models and impossible deadlines, I set the pace, and I get to use my emotions and my intuition to work with brands that care and understand the importance of emotion and depth and feeling.


I am still working on it, but what a wonder and what a privilege.

My sensitivity is no longer something I have to hide or mask; it is something that I can surrender into, and that I can use within the work I do and the things I create. Don’t get me wrong; I am still learning, or rather, unlearning, and changing the habits of a lifetime isn’t something that can be done overnight, but I am enjoying leaning into the softer sides and creating a business that goes against the grain of the


Alongside that, it’s things like crafting my own schedule, taking time out to go for a walk instead of working solidly for eight hours in a room with no windows, and allowing myself time for reading, for self-development, for moving my body.


The clients I work with are impact-driven, and I think that helps. I work with people who value people and the planet over profit, which facilitates a more human approach.


Surrendering into sensitivity looks like slowness, softness, and holding space for clients. It is a relationship and a partnership, rather than me working for them, and this is something I have craved for so long.


I will always be sensitive, and I will always be soft, but I am also loud and bold, I am creative, and I can be impulsive.


There are so many sides to me and my business, and I am unapologetic.



Check out Effable’s Instagram here and head to their website at https://www.itiseffable.com/

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